Interior Architect

what i do

Commercial Design
Experience in commercial projects which include multi-family, restaurant, nightclub, and lounge design.

Residential Design
From furnishing and decorating to complete remodels requiring collaboration with related contractors and manufacturers.

Web Design
With the integration of my graphic design and photography skills, I can develop a website that presents a clear and unique message.

Graphic Design
Logos, business cards, flyers, brochures, you name it.

Providing professional interior photography to capture the atmosphere of a space.
““Maryam was not only incredible at bringing our ideas and vision for our startup to fruition; but she was fantastic at educating us and walking us through the entire process.”
“Maryam is my go-to person for all of my design needs. She has been involved in the development of three of my businesses; I can always count on her to be creative, consistent, and leave an irreplacable impact.”